Don't forget to clean out your closets and make an outfit out of whatever you find to participate in tomorrow's Mismatch Day!!

Join us tonight for the PTO meeting!
We will meet at 6:30pm in the Hillcrest library.
All are welcome and free childcare is provided!
Hope to see you there!

Love when science and our theme of Space collide! Students learning about different constellations!🌌⭐️🤩

Special thanks to the Community Church Community Group for dropping off some snacks for our staff today! We love our community!! What a great treat before Spring Break!

We love the PTO program Art Reach and we are thankful to do all different art projects In our classes!!

Mrs. Legeman talking to the computer lab classes about what a computer actually is and what it looks like on the inside!

It is Spring time and our annual visit from the ducks has begun!!! The kids love seeing them as we will have a few nests around over the next month.🦆🦆

Tomorrow is Pajama Day! Come to school wearing your favorite pajamas to kick off the week!

Do you know a 5 year old who is ready to attend kindergarten this fall? Click this link for more information. Spread the word! We can't wait for our new kindergartners to join us at Luce Road!

We LOVED some of the beautiful weather this week! Spring is on it's way!!!
We continue to stay SUPER busy with March is Reading Month and swim!
Here is this week's Hillcrest Space Station Happenings-March 18th

We are so excited to have author, Mrs. Linda Hoffman, come and talk to some of our 3rd grade classes today about a book she wrote and about Haikus, a form of poetry. A huge thanks to the Alma Women’s Club and the PTO for helping to make this happen!!

Next week!!!!

When it is almost 70 degrees and 😎in March and you are working on measuring, you go measure outside!!!!

Lots of St. Patty’s day SHENANIGANS today!

Don’t forget tonight is “No Tech Night!” Getting close to the 8,000 goal!!

These young ladies are picking up trash during their recess. Not because they are in trouble or were told to, they ASKED if they could pick up trash “to make our playground look better and to help the Earth.” They even got their own bags! Very proud of these ladies!!!

MOON LANDING!! We have officially made it to the moon and now on our way back!! Over 5,000 books read and moving towards that 8,000 for our pizza party next week!!!

We are so excited to be starting something after we get back from Spring Break!! Don’t want to give too much away yet, but you will be super excited!!!

Swim tomorrow for these classes! Two more weeks left!

We were able to have our rescheduled Zoom with Dr. Jensen for the classes that missed out a few weeks ago. We LOVED hearing his knowledge and facts about space!!