Here is the lunch menu for February!

There are many ways to do math practice!!!

The excitement and joy of getting new books in your book bin!!!!📚😄

Last week our 3rd grade students were introduced to the MSTEP, that they will be taking in May.

Student practicing the buttons on the keyboard in computer lab class.

Love when the students take over the classroom procedures for the morning routine of lunch count!! That is great responsibility and leadership!

This week's Hillcrest Staff Spotlight is on Jennie Wickes and Amanda Salisbury!
A huge shout out to both of these two and all of our staff!!!

This week's Hillcrest Space Station Happenings-January 28th!
Stay warm and stay healthy this weekend!!!

Students learning about wellness and yoga from Ms. Shannon Dancer.

Mrs. Tomanek teaching about healthy eating and fitness!

Mrs. Sara Krebs and Mr. Tristan Villalobos from Child Advocacy teaching about the dangers of smoking and vaping.

Alma Optics talking about eye care.

Mrs. Richelle Davis from Child Advocacy talking about body safety.

Mr. Thelen talking about self-esteem.

Officer Schutters from the Michigan State Police talking about internet safety.

Officer Mueller (and Blue) talking about bullying prevention.

Today is SPLASH Day!! Students are participating in many activities and learning about bullying, internet safety, self-esteem, dental health, drug use, and eye care along with exercise and wellness!!

Our Student Council Safety Patrol is recognizing positive behavior at pick up! Way to follow your ROARS!!!

January is School Board Appreciation Month!! Please watch the video that our Student Council prepared for them to show our THANKS!!!
School Board Appreciation Month

New Alma Public Schools COVID Guidelines effective 1/26/2022.
Please be patient tomorrow as we make calls and updates accordingly.