It's Squad Day at DLPMS!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
Dear Panther Parents, Here is the link to sign up for Parent Teacher conferences at DLPMS. Conferences will be held on Oct. 7-8. When you open the document, use the links to sign up with your child's teachers. You will need to submit a form for each teacher. Please call us at 466-7602 or 466-7606 if you have questions.
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
It’s Homecoming week at DLPMS! We will show our school spirit this week!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
It’s time for our staff shout-out, and we would like to recognize Mrs. Ashlee Clark! This is Mrs. Clark’s 19th year teaching ELA and Spanish here at DLPMS. Mrs. Clark’s favorite part of her job is the kids; she says 8th graders are awesome! Mrs. Clark is pretty handy and enjoys putting things together. Her favorite piece of advice came from a former principal: “Work smarter, not harder.” Here’s to you, Mrs. Clark!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
Mrs Clark
Dear Middle School Parents, Please check your child for any Covid symptoms before school tomorrow and keep them home if they aren’t feeling well. We appreciate your support as we try to keep everyone healthy and prevent the spread of Covid. Thank you, and GO Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
The Extended Day Learning Program is starting soon! Take a look at this flyer and stop by the Main Office to get an enrollment packet if you’re interested.
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
The red hallway awaits your return, Eighth Graders! Remember to bring your Chromebooks and chargers to school when you return tomorrow. You will turn in your charger during Morning Advisory. Looking forward to seeing you here tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
It’s game day, Panthers! Just a reminder that all middle school students who plan to attend the game must be accompanied by a parent. Thank you for your support. Go Panthers!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
It’s Constitution Day at DLPMS, and we’re celebrating with our patriotic colors!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
Our 8th graders did a great job on their first day of remote learning! They were punctual and participated very well. The 8th grade teachers send you a thumbs-up for a job well done!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
teachers 1
teachers 2
Dear 8th grade families, Here is the announcement I shared this afternoon, along with the schedule and expectations for remote learning. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
Live at DLPMS: Mrs. Klein’s 7th grade math class worked together to find out if it is cheaper to buy granola bars or make her own. This activity helped students understand how they use rates.
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
The gold at the end of this rainbow are the students and staff of DLPMS! It’s a great day to be a Panther!
almost 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
And the boys race has begun!
about 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
And they’re off! The girls race has begun.
about 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
Every student has been assigned a Chromebook this year, as we transition to 1:1. Here are students putting away their Chromebooks to charge overnight. Good news: there’s no need for students to bring their own devices from home anymore.
about 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
It’s NWEA testing time at DLPMS! This allows us to measure student academic growth throughout the year.
about 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
Middle school sports kick off today with the first cross country meet in Ithaca. Girls run at 5:45 and boys run at 7:00! Volleyball team’s first match is on September 13 at home vs. Frankenmuth. Go Panthers!
about 3 years ago, LaDawn Showers
go Panthers