Please read / review our district guidelines and responsibilities -- continue to the form at the bottom of this page

Alma Public Schools

Field Trip Chaperone Guidelines and Responsibilities

Dear Chaperone,


Thank you very much for giving your time and support. We believe that field trips provide a valuable educational experience for our students. In order to help ensure that school-sponsored field trips result in safe and rewarding experiences for all participants, we have prepared the following guidelines to provide information about volunteering as a field trip chaperone.


Guidelines for Volunteer Chaperones


Before the field trip, the classroom teacher will provide you with information regarding the activities planned for the trip, expectations for supervising students, and emergency procedures. The following guidelines must be adhered to by the Chaperone. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the field trip. Please sign and return the “Field Trip Chaperone Agreement” prior to the field trip.


     All school rules apply on school sponsored field trips. Field Trip Chaperones are expected to follow school rules, follow the directions given by the coordinating teacher, work cooperatively with other volunteers and school staff members, and serve as a role model for students. The chaperone will follow the trip plan developed by the teacher.

     Students must be supervised at all times while at a school sponsored event. As a Field Trip Chaperone, you will assist school staff with supervising and engaging with the students. For the protection of both the student and the Field Trip Chaperone, chaperones should not be alone with a student at any time.

     Field Trip Chaperones may not use or possess weapons, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, tobacco related products, or any other substances as identified in board policy (see Code of Student Conduct and Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco board policies).

     Field Trip Chaperones may not administer any medications, prescription or nonprescription, to students.

     Field Trip Chaperones may not use a cell phone for non-emergency or non-trip related purposes. It is not acceptable for outside work or reading to be completed while you are supervising students.

     Eating and drinking are not permitted outside of designated areas and predetermined times. There is no eating or drinking on the school bus.

     Field Trip Chaperones may not bring siblings, other family members, or guests on the field trip.

     To protect student privacy and yours, do not take pictures/videos and do not ask to take a student’s picture/video, ask for their phone number, or give them your contact information. Do not ask to connect on social media or by other digital means.

     Maintain safe interactions with students. Handshakes, high fives, and fist bumps are considered appropriate friendly touches. If a student wants to hug you, show them how to “hug from the side” — bending down so that your shoulders are level with the student’s. Let the student initiate this kind of behavior. Never touch a child in anger. If a student is unruly or disrespectful, return them to the classroom and let the teacher take over from there.

If you have questions regarding these guidelines, please speak to the teacher or the principal.

Alma Public Schools

Volunteer Guidelines and Responsibilities

Dear Volunteer,

Thank you very much for volunteering with Alma Public Schools. We believe that volunteers enrich our schools with their gifts of time and service. In order to help ensure that volunteer opportunities result in safe and rewarding experiences for all, we have prepared the following guidelines to provide information about volunteering in our district.

Guidelines for Volunteers

The following guidelines must be adhered to by the volunteer. Failure to do so may result in expulsion from the opportunity. Please sign and return the “Volunteer Agreement” prior to the opportunity.

     Sign in and sign out. Wear a school-issued volunteer sticker at all times

     Know the school. Familiarize yourself with the school’s layout, rules for students, communication methods, and emergency procedures. Each room has an emergency folder with procedures for various emergency situations.

     Use adult/staff restrooms only. Do not accompany a student into the restroom.

     No photos or contact information. To protect student privacy and yours, do not take pictures/videos and do not ask to take a student’s picture/video, ask for their phone number, or give them your contact information. Do not ask to connect on social media or by other digital means.

     Keep it confidential. Everything learned about our students through your volunteer opportunity is confidential. Please remember this when discussing your volunteer work outside of the school.

     Report concerns. If a student shares any information with you that causes you concern for their safety or health or if you observe a concerning behavior or interaction between anyone on campus or at an event, tell a teacher or principal. They will follow up on the information appropriately.

     Act as a role model. Engage with students in a respectful and age-appropriate manner and maintain the highest professional, moral, and ethical standards while serving as a role model in your interaction with students.

     Safe Interactions with Students. Handshakes, high fives, and fist bumps are considered appropriate friendly touches.If a student wants to hug you, show them how to “hug from the side” — bending down so that your shoulders are level with the student’s. Let the student initiate this kind of behavior. Never touch a child in anger. If a student is unruly or disrespectful, return them to the classroom and let the teacher take over from there.

If you have questions regarding these guidelines, please speak to a building administrator.