AHS Clubs and Activities
AHS offers a variety of clubs and activities for our students to be involved in during their time in high school. Email any of the advisors for more information.
Model UN - Mr. Murphy (bmurphy@almaschools.net)
Forensics - Mrs. Campbell (ecampbell@almaschools.net)
FFA - Mrs. Wernette (kwernette@almaschools.net)
National Honor Society - Mrs. Guiett (gguiett@almaschools.net)
Student Council - Mr. Fornusek and Mrs. Puffpaff (efornusek@almaschools.net; jpuffpaff@almaschools.net)
Drama - Mr, Murphy (bmurphy@almaschools.net)
Quiz Bowl - Mr. Holliday (lholliday@almaschools.net)
Health Occupation Society of America (HOSA) - Ms. Smith (tsmith@almaschools.net)
Chess Club - Mr. Criner (jcriner@almaschools.net)
LINKS Germany Exchange - Mr. Criner (jcriner@almaschools.net)
Stratford Trip - Mr. Brasher (tbrasher@almaschools.net)
Spanish Trip - Mrs. Hasso (khasso@almaschools.net)
Yearbook - Mrs. Shimunek (nshimunek@almaschools.net)